Discrimination and Harssment in the Workplace

Discrimination is being treated unfairly or differently for the worse, based on personal status or characteristics (such as race, gender, religion). When a coworker or boss makes a comment or does something that results in a hostile, threatening, or intimidating environment for someone else, that is considered harassment. If you aren’t sure about the rights that protect you as a person and employee, then consulting with a lawyer on your situation is advisable.

Examples of discrimination and/or harassment include:

  • Depending solely on word-of-mouth recruiting that tends to favor a certain kind of employee
  • Using discriminatory criteria when hiring, without being able to show how it relates to the job
  • Requesting that an agency only refers applicants of a particular status.
  • Not providing the same pay to workers in similar positions
  • Rejecting benefits after they were offered
  • Turning to the discriminatory preferences of customers, coworkers, or clients when choosing factors for employment
  • Requiring a specific kind of image or corporate look as prejudices in hiring
  • Firing employees based on unlawful reasons
  • Using a client or worker’s preferences to explain a demotion, discipline, or discharge
  • Making comments or requesting favors that are unwanted and sexual in nature
  • Conduct that creates a seriously threatening, unsafe, and harmful work environment for employees

There are almost limitless ways that discrimination or harassment can occur in the workplace. If you suspect that your adverse treatment at work is a result of discrimnation or harassment, getting legal assistance is paramount. 

Being the victim of a harassment or discriminatory incident can wreak havoc on a person’s mental health. It is more than worth talking with a legal professional if you aren’t sure what happened to you constitutes legal action. For more information, contact a reputable law firm as soon as possible, such as an employment discrimination lawyer from Eric Siegel Law.

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