Apartment Complex Crime – Memphis Attorneys

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We continue to read about apartment complex shootings in Memphis and can’t help but wonder what kind of security measures were in place at these complexes. Could a more thoughtful security plan have prevented these tragic deaths and injuries?

Recent Apartment Complex Shootings in Memphis

Edison Apartments: Man Shot at Downtown Apartments

Alden Gate Apartments: Two in critical condition after shooting

Abandoned Apartment Complex: Double Shooting at Memphis Apartment Complex

Whitehaven View Apartments: Woman Shot in South Memphis Apartment Complex

Duty to Provide Reasonable Security in Tennessee

Did you know that in TN, apartment complexes usually have a duty to provide reasonable security measures?  Each case is different, but in some cases, a crime victim injured on apartment complex property may be entitled to money damages from the apartment complex or its owner.

Wait a Minute— I Can Recover Against the Apartment Complex Even Though a Criminal Shot Me?

Yes, in some cases.  It depends on the facts of your case and the security measures that were or were not in place at the apartment complex. Every case is unique. It is important to call an experienced apartment complex shooting lawyer to discuss your car.

We Represent Victims of Apartment Complex Shootings.

Do you have questions about a potential case against an apartment complex based on the acts of a criminal assailant? Our law firm has significant experience in this type of case. We have represented clients who have been shot at apartment complexes and we’ve helped them obtain compensation for their injuries. Not only do we have the necessary experience in this kind of case, but we treat our clients like family. You will never feel like a “file on a shelf” at Patterson Bray.

Call us today at (901) 372-5003 or email us here.

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