What Is The Average Divorce Cost?
Determining the cost of a divorce isn’t easy. The average divorce cost could range from $500 for an uncontested divorce to $15,000 or more. There isn’t a checklist that can tell you what your divorce will cost, but you can think about what expenses you will have.
What Factors Influence the Cost of Your Divorce?
An uncontested divorce is probably the least expensive way to become single again. This means that you agree with your spouse on everything, all that’s left is to have a judge sign off on your divorce. If you don’t have many assets and there are no children, this may be an option. Usually, divorces are contested. There are many things to work out. If your marriage is breaking down, deciding child custody and support is usually a contentious process. If you and your spouse can’t agree through the process using mediation or through your lawyers, a trial will be costly.
What Are Some of the Financial Costs of Divorce?
The first cost that most people think about with a divorce is the lawyer’s fees. An … Read the rest
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