Do I Need An Attorney For a DUI Arrest After a Car Accident?
Car Accident Lawyer
If you were recently arrested at the scene of a car accident on suspicion of being under the influence of alcohol, then yes, you absolutely do need a DUI attorney in DC. And, you don’t just need any attorney, it is best for you to consult with one that has many years of experience representing clients in criminal defense cases. Being found supposedly drunk when a car accident happened may automatically make you look guilty in the eyes of the police officer.
While it may be tempting, do not try to claim your innocence to the officer as you are being placed in handcuffs. If a police officer has already made up his or her mind that you are drunk, then no matter what you say the chances of them letting you go is slim-to-none. Of course, it can be terrifying to be coaxed into the back of a cop car, and perhaps even more so for something that you didn’t really do.
The Booking Process
Regardless of whether you think you were at-fault or not, … Read the rest
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