Can an Electronic Signature Form a Contract in Tennessee?
Can an Electronic Signature Form a Contract in Tennessee?
Did you know that in most cases courts will recognize an electronic signature, and enforce contracts “signed” and created by e-mail exchange?
Oral vs. Written Contracts – Intro
Contrary to popular belief, a contract doesn’t always have to be in writing to be enforceable. Indeed, as explained in one of our prior blog posts, a court will enforce an oral agreement except in cases involving certain types of contracts that are required to be in writing and signed by the parties.
Of course, even though an oral contract might technically be enforceable, there are plenty of reasons to get an agreement in writing. Written contracts cut down on “he said, she said” disputes over exactly what was verbally agreed to. Written contracts are also obviously preferable for any agreement that involves even a hint of complexity. And, as noted above, in some instances a written contract with signatures in actually required pursuant to the Statute of Frauds.
So, then, how is a written contract actually formed and then signed? … Read the rest
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