CA Update: Millington election lawsuit – There may be no need for a re-vote.

CA Update: Millington election lawsuit – There may be no need for a re-vote.

The Commercial Appeal ran a story today about the status of the election challenge lawsuit that the attorneys at Patterson Bray are handling on behalf of the City of Millington.

We’ve spent the last several days reviewing election commission records and tabulations, and we are hopeful and believe that ultimately the City of Millington will be able to avoid a re-vote.  Indeed, as quoted in the story:

“We’re not ready to concede that once you throw out the invalid votes that it doesn’t conclusively prove that, in fact, it prevailed, and you can prove that to a mathematical certainty,” he said. “So, there is no need for a revote. We believe that will be the case, and that’s what we are prepared to argue.”

In other words, once the improper votes are identified and isolated, we believe that we’ll be able to show with mathematical certainty that the municipal schools sales tax referendum did, in fact, actually pass.  We hope to have a motion filed in court within the next 7-10 days with more detail outlining the basis for our contention.

Stay tuned…

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