Can a Doctor be Sued for Pain and Suffering?

Doctor be Sued for Pain and Suffering?

Medical professionals are required by law to uphold an appropriate standard of care as outlined by the laws in the state in which they practice medicine. While the vast majority of doctors accomplish this goal, some fail to do so and a patient is seriously injured as a result. The following is an overview of how an injured patient can seek compensation from the negligent doctor who hurt them. If you have suffered an injury in this manner, contact a personal injury attorney today to learn what options you have under the law.
When Can a Doctor Be Sued?
Doctors treat many patients each week and not every mistake they make qualifies as medical malpractice. In order to receive compensation for your injuries through a personal injury lawsuit, you must prove your doctor was careless or negligent and seriously hurt you as a result. While this may seem like an easy task, it can be difficult in cases where several doctors worked together or a diagnosis was unclear. For these reasons, it is best to have a personal injury lawyer you trust working with you to prove your injuries were due to medical malpractice.
Common Medical Mistakes That Lead to Lawsuits
While there are a variety of scenarios that may lead to a patient’s injury, some are more likely to occur than others. Some of the most typical mistakes in these cases are:
  • Missed diagnosis
  • Delayed diagnosis
  • Documentation errors
  • Failure to communicate orders to nursing staff
  • Errors made during surgical procedures
  • Medication mistakes
What Damages May I Win?
Every medical malpractice case is different, so it is difficult to know exactly what kinds of damages you could be awarded if you win your case. However, some of the most common damages in these types of lawsuits often include:
  • Unpaid medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Future lost wages if you are permanently or temporarily disabled
  • Therapy costs
  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
What a Lawyer Can Do For You
If you are considering filing a lawsuit against your doctor for medical malpractice, it may benefit you greatly to have experienced legal representation. Your doctor will certainly have lawyers working to protect his interests, so you should protect your own. A few things a lawyer may do to prove your case are:
  • Hire investigators
  • Obtain your medical records
  • Speak with experts about your prognosis
  • Negotiate a settlement before trial
  • File court documents
  • Represent you during trial
If you or someone you care about has been hurt due to the negligence of a medical professional, contact a personal injury lawyer today to learn if you have a valid claim. After reviewing the evidence in your case and your injuries, your attorney will let you know if a lawsuit is possible. While a monetary settlement cannot restore your health, it can give you the resources to move ahead after your recovery has ended.
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