Deadly Shooting at Howell Apartments in North Memphis
When choosing a place to call “home,” a basic requirement we all have is finding a place that makes us feel safe and secure; a place we can comfortably live and raise our families without fear of the dangers this world so often seems to bring. For the tenants and guests of Howell Apartments, however, living in fear seems to be the new norm.

Memphis, TN Crime Victim Attorneys | WisemanBray
This past Friday, May 15, 2020, a shooting occurred at the 2200 block of Howell Avenue in the courtyard of Howell Apartments located in Memphis, Tennessee, ultimately claiming the life of 53 year old, Keith Brooks. Unfortunately, this is not the first violent crime and shooting incident to occur in this area.
By Law, Apartment Owners are Required to Provide Reasonable Security
In Tennessee, apartment owners are generally required to provide reasonable security measure to tenants and guests of the property. What is “reasonable?” It depends on the circumstances, such as the type of crime committed against a victim and the history of crime on the property and in the surrounding neighborhood.
Every single apartment shooting case is different. We can’t help but wonder if in the Howell Apartments shooting case, security measures could have prevented Mr. Brooks’ death another sad story of the loss of life at apartments in the Memphis area. We do not know enough yet about the cases to make an assessment.
Call Us. We Are Lawyers for Crime Victims.
We are lawyers for apartment crime victims in Memphis, TN. If you are the victim of an apartment shooting or crime, please call us today at (901) 372-5003.
We have the experience, know-how, and financial resources to properly investigate and prosecute your case. If the apartment complex where you were injured did not provide reasonable security, you may be entitled to money damages to compensate you for your injuries and pain and suffering. This is the case even if you weren’t a tenant and were just visiting.
We have helped others like you. Let us help you. Call (901) 372-5003 and ask to speak to the experienced apartment crime lawyers in Memphis, TN.
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