Why an Experienced Attorney is Necessary for Slip and Fall Accidents

Why an Experienced Attorney is Necessary for Slip and Fall Accidents

When you encounter a slip and fall or any hazards on someone else’s premises, it is imperative that you hire an experienced attorney. There are many different routes slip and fall accidents cases can go. These cases can go many ways for many different reasons so it is wise to be aware of the possibilities of your case and always deal with someone with experience.

Possibility of Litigation:

While every case is different, most slip and fall cases go to litigation (trial). If you plan to file a claim, you will need an attorney who has the will to fight in the courtroom. Slip and fall cases often see a courtroom because there are rarely any good faith negotiations that occur in these instances. It is very important to hire someone that has experience in the courtroom.

Denial of Liability

In car accidents, in most cases it is clear who is at fault. Because the evidence is not always as clear in a slip and fall accident, companies or premises owners do not want to take responsibility for the incident. So, you may need to go to court to demand the monies you think you deserve.

Case Refusal

Some attorneys fear litigation. Fighting can open the opportunity for losses, for some attorneys they would rather not sacrifice a win. Slip and fall accidents do not guarantee settlements. It is very important to hire an experienced attorney, like a personal injury attorney Atlanta GA relies on,  that will be able to battle in your defense and know how to respond.

Physical damages and medical bills incurred during slip and fall accidents is stressful enough. The best decision you can make will be in your legal representation. The likelihood of your case seeing a courtroom is far too

Thanks to our friends and contributors from Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. for their insight into why an experienced attorney is necessary for slip and fall accidents.

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