How Long The Divorce Process Will Take?

Divorce Lawyer

If you’re itching to get out of your marriage, you might start to wonder how long the divorce process will take. Perhaps you’ve been in a bad situation for too long and you’ve finally got the courage to get yourself out of an abusive environment. Maybe your spouse cheated on you and divorce can’t come soon enough. Maybe your spouse is incarcerated and you can’t live with his or her guilt. In any case, there are some factors that will help determine how long the process takes, as an attorney, can explain.

The State Where You Live
Each state has a mandatory waiting period the couple must abide by before the divorce can be final. It’s different in every state, so you should understand your time period so you don’t get discouraged. For example, in Alabama, you have to wait 30 days after you file the paperwork before the divorce can be finalized. In Louisiana, it depends on the circumstances surrounding your divorce. If you have children, you would have to wait anywhere from 180 to 365 days for the divorce to be final.

Contesting the Divorce
Regardless of whether it’s you or your spouse that contests the divorce, contesting could make the entire process last a lot longer. If you can’t decide on a custody agreement for the kids, it might take longer. If you are having a hard time letting go of some assets, you might go back and forth a little longer than usual. If the divorce is uncontested, you might be able to get away with simply waiting the mandatory waiting period in your state.

Your Home
If part of the divorce arrangement has to do with selling your home, that could add some time to the finality of the divorce. It’s possible it will take some time for your house to sell, so you might have to make some adjustments until it does. The judge might grant one spouse to live in the house during this time, or both spouses could be ordered to move out.

Mediation or Counseling
Some courts will require a couple attend counseling or go through mediation before a divorce will be granted. In some cases, this might be done in an effort to allow the couple to see the error of their ways, but many times it is so they can come to terms with what is happening. This is especially important if children are involved. Counseling also gives the couple a chance to really look at what they’re doing to determine if it’s really the right step.

Contacting Your Divorce Lawyer
A divorce could take a significant amount of time if it gets ugly, but you could also get it over with in a month, depending on where you live. If you’re ready to get the process started, contact a divorce lawyer today.

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