In a Pedestrian Accident? Here’s What to Do

Pedestrian Accident Lawyers

Auto-pedestrian accidents are common across the US. When a pedestrian is struck by a car, they are in a more injury-prone position because they lack the safety afforded by a car to an automobile driver.

If you were hit by a car, truck or bus while on foot, you may be able to receive damages for your injuries, pain, suffering, and losses stemming from the accident. Of course, you may not know what to do next, so here is a look at what actions you should take if you find yourself in this situation.

Get treatment first

It might sound obvious, but you should see a medical professional to get checked out for injuries after an auto-pedestrian accident. If you were treated at the scene of the accident, be sure to schedule a visit with your doctor and follow your doctor’s instructions for your treatments.

Should you have declined medical care at the accident site, you can still have yourself checked over now. Sometimes, injuries don’t show up right away after an accident. If you delay care too long, you may end up having a longer recovery time or other complications.

Talk to the driver’s insurer

Report the accident to the driver’s insurance company immediately and start a claim for the accident. However, don’t give them more than the dry specifics of what happened, such as who you were hit by, where and when it happened.

The insurer will likely try to get you to give them more information, including whether you’ve seen a doctor. You don’t have to give them all this information when you are opening a claim. They want your full account of what happened so they can find ways to use it against you later, when they are deciding the amount of your claim. Speak to an attorney before you talk to the insurance company again after filing the initial claim.

Document all your losses

All expenses related to the accident that you have will need to be documented. All of your medical bills, lost wages—you can get a statement from your employer for this—and anything else tied to your accident that cost you money should be tracked. The insurance company and your attorney will need copies of all of the losses you incurred because of the accident.

Speak to an attorney

While the driver’s insurance company may seem to care about you and really want to help you, they actually want to settle your claim as fast as they can and for the least amount of money possible. If, for example, you end up with a long-term injury, it could cost you for years to come, so it’s not in your best interest to immediately settle your claim.

Experienced pedestrian accident lawyers will guide you through the process, deal with the insurance company, and have a realistic idea of the true value of your claim. Instead of having to worry about it, you can focus on your recovery instead when you have an attorney working for you.

Thanks to Richard J. Banta, P.C. for their insight into personal injury claims and pedestrian accidents.

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