Is there a difference between DUI and DWI?

Difference Between DUI and DWI?

One of the easiest questions one can ask a skilled Louisville KY DUI lawyer and certainly one of my favorites to answer. If this was all I had to do all day I would be a happy lawyer and very wealthy in both happiness and money!

The easiest answer in the world is – there is no difference!
DUI is an acronym that stands for Driving Under the Influence (of alcohol or other intoxicants), while DWI stands for Driving While Intoxicated (usually just refers to alcohol, in most cases).

Another possibility is DUII, or DWII which is most commonly used in Oregon – Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants (kind of combining the former two), or Driving While under the Influence of Intoxicants.

Different states promulgate different laws and legislatures choose whatever acronym or vernacular that fits their needs or interests that day, week or month, so at the end of the day, it does not matter which acronym you are being charged with, so long as you are being actively charged with a driving under the influence charge.

Such charges are heavy, both physically and psychologically, and can be a burden to bear on the person. The key is to not succumb to the system that is solely going after one thing – getting you to plea guilty to the offense as quickly as possible, and kick you to the curb.

All the courts really want at the end of the day is money. There is no justice at these so called “Halls of Justice.” – They are after your wallet. So even if you have a strong case, they are not interested in helping you defend it. They want you to sign on the dotted of the Boykin, which is the guilty plea form, have you plea guilty to the offense in front of the judge and send you on your way, of course, not forgetting to collect their fees before you leave!

So, it does not matter whether you are charged with a DUI, DUII, DWI, or DWII – the answer is simple – you must hire a DUI attorney who knows what they are doing and help you fight the case. If you fight your case, and you have at least a 1% chance of winning, who knows, you might win! But if you plea guilty… you have a 100% chance of being found guilty!
So, don’t drink and drive, and stay safe my friends.

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