Law FAQ: I run a small landscape business. Do I need a contractor’s license?

Law FAQ: I run a small landscape business. Do I need a contractor’s license?

In Tennessee, The Board for Licensing Contractors enacts and enforces administrative rules pertaining to the licensing of various contractors operating within the state.  Typically most of us think of a contractor as being someone who builds or remodels a home, perhaps a roofer or brick mason.  But the Board has recently started enforcing certain provisions against smaller companies that until recently have been overlooked or otherwise ignored by the Board.

The most common type of business to get the attention of the Board is the small to mid-size landscape company.  Now, depending on various factors, even small companies that do nothing but cut grass in the summertime may need to obtain a contractor’s license from the Board.  Specifically, grass cutters need the “BC-29” license.  Failure to obtain the license can be costly.  Indeed, I have represented multiple landscape companies after they have been cited and fined by the Board for operating without the required license.  The fines imposed can be expensive – i.e. several thousand dollars.

If you operate a small business that you think may need to be licensed, contact our office.  We can assist you in determining whether or not you need a license and also help walk you through the process.

  • November 27, 2011 at 7:16 am

    I operate a lawn service and need a bc-29 license

  • November 28, 2011 at 7:12 am

    Please feel free to call us at 901-372-5003 and ask to speak with Chris Patterson.

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