Nursing home lawyer

Victims of Nursing Home Abuse 

Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home lawyer

If you believe that your loved one is being abused at their nursing home, then assure them that you are doing everything you can to help them out. Abuse is a serious allegation and one that should be taken seriously with evidence and proof that the abuse is occurring. Once you know for sure this is happening, it may be in your best interest to consult with an experienced nursing home lawyer to assist you with how to go forward with this unfortunate circumstance. Your lawyer will understand how to proceed and will know what actions to take against the home in a possible lawsuit. 

What to Look Out For

If your loved one is telling you stories about staff members verbally abusing them or chastising them, then this is especially serious. Their mental health may be affected negatively by staff talking down to them or even making threats against them. Write down any of this information that your loved one provides to you as it could be quite significant and important as your case begins to develop against the nursing home. If you see signs of physical abuse that are unexplainable like bruises, cuts, bedsores, and other strange things, then it may be especially useful to document this and find out from your loved one why they occurred. If they seem visibly afraid to explain why or refuse to answer, then there is a chance that they are being physically abused. 

Don’t Panic

When you first hear of abuse from your loved one at the home that is supposed to be caring for them this can come as quite a shock. Don’t panic and jump to immediate conclusions right away. There needs to be enough information in place in order to stop the abuse from going on and eventually taking action against the nursing home. Your lawyer can assist you with all of this information gathering, evidence, testimonials, and more. 

Confide with Legal Counsel

Legal representatives who are experienced and skilled in nursing home law such as Davis & Brusca are ready to help you with your case. Contact one today if you believe your loved one is being mishandled, neglected, or abused at the home that is supposed to be making their life better. A lawsuit or claim against the nursing home could prevent this from happening to other individuals in the future as well. 


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