A top construction accident lawyer Memphis, TN offers doesn’t have to explain that construction sites are very busy, and can be very dangerous places to work. Everybody at the construction site is scrambling to meet or exceed production deadlines, and sometimes safety suffers. If you have been hurt on the job, you have the right to file a workers compensation claim through your employer. This employer-provided insurance pays for lost work time, medical bills, lost wages and temporary or permanent disability benefits.
In certain cases your construction site injury may be more complicated. You may have been seriously hurt on the job by the negligence of a subcontractor, an outside vendor or defective equipment supplied or maintained by an outside company. You may have a valid claim for pursuing compensation AND filing for workers compensation with the help of a construction accident lawyer Memphis, TN deserves.
Example: Our client was a commercial roofing supervisor. Due to an unsafe tripping hazard created by another subcontractor working on the same construction project, our client fell face first approximately 25 feet onto a concrete floor. He suffered debilitating injuries to his face, eye, arms and hands that left him significantly disabled. We were able to settle the worker’s compensation claim quickly without trial for several hundred thousand dollars which was the absolute maximum amount available under the statute.
Upon further investigation of the facts and law, however, we discovered a little-used exception under the law that allowed the client to also pursue a separate tort claim against the subcontractor. After significant effort to hire and secure reports from noted construction safety experts, medical and vocational experts, and witness affidavits, we were able to settle the claim for an additional $1.8 million over and above the worker’s compensation settlement.
- Falls from a ladder, scaffolding or off a roof
- Dropped tools causing head injuries
- Defective or improperly installed scaffolding
- Defective heavy equipment or power tools
- Explosions and fires
- Electrical accidents
- Life-altering Injuries
Many construction accidents occur due to lack of project coordination at the construction site. When a building is being constructed, for example, the roof should not be worked on until the decking is in place.
As a skilled construction accident lawyer Memphis, TN provides might explain, if another contractor does his or her work improperly or not in coordination with other contractors, safety is tragically compromised, and the following serious injuries may result:
- Traumatic head injury
- Spinal cord injury
- Fractures
- Neck injuries
- Paralysis
If you are run over by heavy equipment, for example, an attorney at our firm will investigate the accident, including which operator or employee was responsible, which company was responsible and any OSHA violation. If we win compensation for your serious injuries, you will be obligated to pay back workers compensation benefits already received.
The best way to find out if you have an injury claim from being hurt on the job is to consult with a construction accident lawyer Memphis, TN relies on at Patterson Bray. We have offices in Memphis and Nashville Tennessee. Please either submit an online request for a Free Case Review (LINK), or call to set up a consultation at 901-372-5003.