The Pros And Cons Of Do-It-Yourself Divorces

Divorce Attorney

If you are going through the divorce process, it is likely that you have searched the internet for information. You may have found some valuable information and resources online, such as legal forms and instructions how to file. While some of these legal forms are free of charge, others cost a small fee. Regardless of whether these forms are free or not, they are not always the best option for individuals who are going through a divorce.

In most cases, these do it yourself or DIY legal forms are very generic. Although they may work for your particular case, it is likely that they are too generic to meet your needs. In addition, even if you fill out these forms, they will need to be thoroughly reviewed by a divorce lawyer.

If you would like to speak with one of our attorneys to learn more, contact our office to set up a free and confidential consultation. In the meantime, the following is a brief overview of the pros and cons of do-it-yourself divorces.


DIY legal forms can give you an idea of what type of information you will need to gather for your divorce. By taking the time to fill out these forms before you meet with a divorce lawyer, you may be able to save time and money as a result. DIY legal forms can also help you figure out the types of documents you will need to collect.


As stated, most DIY legal forms are so generic that they will do nothing for your case. Also, many courts require for legal forms to be notarized by a legal professional in order for them to be valid. If you choose to disregard this step, your legal forms may be considered invalid.

In addition, DIY legal forms are likely to contain legal verbiage that you are unfamiliar with. It can be quite challenging to properly fill out legal forms when you do not have a complete understanding of what is on them.

Divorce courts also have stringent rules and requirements that must be adhered to. This information will not be contained in any generic forms you may use. Failure to follow these rules could result in the court ruling against you or your petition being dismissed by the judge.

If you would like your divorce process to be as efficient as possible, depending on an attorney for your legal forms rather than trying to complete them on your own is a wise choice.

Contact an Experienced Divorce Lawyer

If you are going through the divorce process, you should reach out to highly skilled divorce lawyer. They can handle legal forms on your behalf and ensure that your divorce gets complete in a timely manner. While it may seem cost-effective to depend on DIY legal forms, doing so can actually leave you with headaches and more expenses down the road.


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