What are the mistakes people make entering divorce? – Patterson Bray PLLC

00:00:03 I think the first thing that a lot of people make a mistake on is they don’t secure Council on the front end they make a lot of assumptions about Tennessee law and how that’s going to affect their financial rights in the divorce a lot of clients come to me and say look this is going to be very easy we’ve already separated everything into our own accounts I never owned anything with his name on it or he never owned anything with her name on it and a lot of people assume that in Tennessee marital assets are governed by

00:00:37 what names are on which assets that’s not necessarily the case in Tennessee and so unfortunately a lot of people make assumptions about how their finances are going to play through the divorce process I advise everyone to seek counsel at the get-go so that way they have a fair and full understanding of how their finances are going to be impacted in a divorce process

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