When Could a College Be Liable if a Student Is Murdered?

Personal Injury Lawyer

Colleges around the world work diligently to provide a positive learning experience for students. These institutions should also emphasize safety and ensure that everyone can pursue their studies without worrying about their well-being. Unfortunately, tragedies can strike on campuses, resulting in terrible crimes such as murder. While the fault of many of these incidents rest solely on the shoulders of the perpetrator, there could be times when the school is held liable. If a loved one was killed on a college campus, you may wonder whether to pursue a wrongful death suit against the school.

Security Lapses

In a campus murder, attorneys in a wrongful death case may start by examining what type of security the school had. Many colleges have their own police forces, while others rely on private security. Some colleges use both. A college murder case may at least partially be due to a lack of security measures to prevent the incident. For example, lawyers may find that the campus has an insufficient number of officers. Or, an attorney may deem that the officers were not properly trained to provide a safe environment. Another issue could be that campus police or security failed to follow up on leads or warnings that could have prevented the crime.

Ignoring the Signs

A campus may be liable for a student murder if administrators and other leaders failed to seriously investigate claims of threats or violence. The victim may have previously complained to an instructor or to other authorities on campus about other students or people in the area. The murdered student may have spoken about fearing for his or her life. If these cries went unheard, a lawyer may find that the school was negligent. Another example could be if the murdered student had complained that a fellow student was threatening him or her but the school failed to speak to the alleged perpetrator. Or, perhaps the school knew about a student who had a criminal record or who had a violent history but did nothing in response.

Lack of Resources 

Campuses should have safety measures should as panic call boxes, plenty of lighting along paths and student organizations to protect and comfort students. If these measures don’t exist, and the school knows they should but did not act, a wrongful death suit could be warranted.

Review these issues with a personal injury lawyer, like from Darrell Castle & Associates, today. Find some peace of mind in the wake of your loved one’s murder.

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