When Uber Fails to Give You a Safe Ride

When Uber Fails to Give You a Safe Ride

Many people take Uber as a way to get home after a party, to work if their car is in the shop, or if they enjoy having another person shuttle them to and from. Uber has become a popular resource that is often viewed as a safe form of travel. If a rider were to ever be involved in an accident, he or she may be unsure of how to respond. It can take people by surprise to be in the middle of an Uber lift, and then be part of an unexpected car crash. Any person who was in a car accident, whether a driver or passenger, should put their health first and get a medical exam right away.

Here in this article, we have answered a few questions about Uber rides, and what you can do to take action if you suffered injuries as a rider. If you were involved in an Uber accident, you should contact an experienced car accident attorney in Atlanta, GA.

If my Uber driver gets hit in an accident, how should I respond?

Those who were riding as an innocent passenger in an Uber, may have an urge to flee the scene of an accident. But, by doing so you could be greatly hindering your chances of receiving compensation if you found out later you did in fact suffer injuries due to the fault of another. It may be best to respond just as if you were part of any other kind of accident by doing the following:

    1. Call 911 so police and an ambulance can arrive for support and officially document the collision.
    1. Examine yourself for injuries, and if you have sustained any ask the medical team to do an exam at the scene.
    1. Gather the information of the Uber driver and the other driver involved in the crash, including their name, method of contact, insurance carrier, driver’s license number, and vehicle details.
    1. Keep an eye out for any aches, soreness or bruises that may arise in the days following the incident, and go to your doctor for another exam if you have any concerns.
  1. Consider meeting with an attorney for legal advice if your injuries cost you money, as you may be eligible for monetary compensation.

If I am going to meet with an attorney, what information should I bring?

The more information you bring to your car accident lawyer Dekalb County, GA residents trust about the accident, the better he or she can advise you on what steps to take next. An attorney can not only provide guidance, but representation too if you decide to file a lawsuit after all. If this is your first time talking with an attorney, you should bring along the following details:

    • Copy of the accident report taken by officer
    • Contact information of any witnesses or other riders who were with you at the time of the crash
    • Receipts for medical costs, emergency care and/or hospitalization
    • Doctor’s exams and diagnostics regarding your accident injuries
    • Other damages or related information about what happened
    • Receipt of costs if you had paid for the Uber ride
  • Photographs of the scene and/or visible injuries

Thank you to our friends and contributors at Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. for their insight into personal injury and uber riding.

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