What to Do Following a Car Accident
Car Accident Lawyer
Following a car accident of any magnitude, you’re sure to suffer from the initial shock and you may not know what to immediately do. While car accidents can be extremely stressful, there are some steps you should take following a car accident. Taking these steps will both help you deal with the immediate aftermath and help you file your claim/lawsuit.
Your and Others’ Safety is Always the First Concern
The first thing you should do following a car accident is to make sure that there are no major injuries sustained to yourself or other parties. While you might be tempted to survey the damages inflicted to your vehicle, first check to make sure that all parties are okay.
Even if you don’t have any immediate injuries or the injuries you have are minor (such as a small bruise or cut), some injuries are internal. That’s why you’ll want to call 911 and have them dispatch EMTs and a police officer. It’s recommended to wait until your condition is checked by a medical professional before undertaking further steps. … Read the rest
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