Estate planning lawyer Memphis, TN

Avoiding Probate Pitfalls

For many, the term ‘probate’ can sound intimidating, filled with visions of lengthy court procedures and bureaucratic complications. Probate is the legal process through which a deceased person’s estate is properly distributed to heirs and beneficiaries, and any debt owed to creditors is paid off. While it’s an essential process, it can also be a lengthy and, at times, a challenging one. To ensure your loved ones don’t face undue stress, understanding common pitfalls and how to avoid them can be immensely beneficial.

Understanding Common Probate Challenges

  • Lack of a Valid Will: Perhaps the most significant pitfall is not having a will or having one that’s deemed invalid. Without a valid will, the estate will be distributed according to state laws, which might not align with the deceased’s wishes.
  • Outdated Beneficiary Designations: Many assets, such as life insurance or retirement accounts, allow for direct beneficiary designations. However, if these designations are outdated, they can supersede even the most current will.
  • Neglecting to Name an Executor: An executor is responsible for managing the estate, paying off debts, and ensuring proper distribution. Not naming one, or naming someone ill-prepared for the task, can complicate matters.
  • Failure to Address All Assets: An incomplete inventory of assets might mean some items get left out of the will, leading them to be distributed according to state laws rather than personal wishes.
  • Ambiguous Language in the Will: Using unclear or ambiguous language can lead to disputes among beneficiaries. It’s essential to be as specific and clear as possible.


Tips To Sidestep These Pitfalls

  1. Draft a Comprehensive Will: Ensure you have a will and that it’s regularly updated. It should reflect your current wishes, assets, and beneficiary designations.
  2. Regularly Review Beneficiary Designations: Check beneficiary designations annually or after significant life events like marriages, divorces, births, or deaths.
  3. Choose a Competent Executor: Pick someone trustworthy, organized, and preferably familiar with legal and financial matters. Ensure they’re willing to take on the responsibility.
  4. Inventory Your Assets: Regularly update your asset inventory to ensure nothing is overlooked.
  5. Seek Legal Guidance: Estate planning can be intricate, and laws may vary by state. Seeking legal advice can ensure your will is valid, comprehensive, and clear.


Get In Touch With A Lawyer Today

While probate is a necessary process, navigating it doesn’t have to be daunting. By understanding common pitfalls and proactively planning, you can ensure a smoother transition for your loved ones. Remember, estate planning is not a one-time event but an ongoing process that evolves with life’s changes.

If you’re looking to ensure that your estate plan is robust and free from potential pitfalls, it might be time to consult an expert. Our team at Patterson Bray PLLC is well-equipped to guide you through the intricacies of estate planning. With a dedicated Memphis, TN estate planning lawyer from our firm assisting you, you can be confident that your legacy will be handled with care and precision. Allow us to be your partners in securing a future that aligns with your wishes.

personal injury

Unmasking Personal Injury Myths

Navigating the maze of personal injury law can be challenging. With a myriad of information sources available today, it’s easy to stumble upon misconceptions and myths about personal injury claims. These myths can hinder justice and prevent injured parties from receiving the compensation they rightfully deserve. Let’s demystify some of the most common personal injury myths.

Myth 1: Personal Injury Cases Are Always Lengthy

One prevalent myth is that personal injury cases always drag on for years. While it’s true that some complex cases can take time, many claims are settled amicably and in a timely manner. The duration often depends on the specifics of the case, the parties involved, and the quality of representation.

Myth 2: Minor Injuries Don’t Warrant A Case

Many people believe that unless they’ve suffered a severe or life-altering injury, they shouldn’t pursue a claim. This is far from the truth. Even minor injuries can have lasting consequences and associated costs. Always consult with an attorney if you believe you might have a claim, regardless of the perceived severity of your injury.

Myth 3: I Can’t Afford A Personal Injury Attorney

Another misconception is that hiring a personal injury attorney will be too expensive. However, it’s common for your Memphis, TN personal injury lawyer to operate on a contingency fee basis. This means they only get paid if you win your case. Such a structure ensures that everyone has access to justice, regardless of their financial situation.

Myth 4: I Have Plenty Of Time To File A Claim

While it might seem like you have an endless window to pursue a claim after an injury, the reality is different. Each state has a statute of limitations that dictates how long you have to file a personal injury lawsuit. If you wait too long, you might lose your right to seek compensation altogether.

Myth 5: The Person At Fault Will Pay Out Of Pocket

Many people are hesitant to file a claim, believing they will financially ruin the responsible party. In reality, it’s typically the insurance companies that handle these payouts. Personal injury claims are usually not about targeting individuals personally but seeking rightful compensation from insurance providers.

Myth 6: If I Was Partially At Fault, I Can’t Claim

While being partly responsible for the accident can influence the outcome, it doesn’t automatically negate your right to compensation. Many states operate under a comparative negligence system where damages are awarded based on the degree of fault.

Myth 7: Personal Injury Is Just About Physical Harm

While physical injuries are a significant component, personal injury law also covers emotional and psychological traumas. If you’ve suffered mental distress due to someone else’s negligence, you might still have a valid claim.

Myth 8: I’ve Already Settled With My Insurance, So I Can’t Sue

Insurance settlements do not always cover the full extent of damages. If you’ve settled with your insurance but later discover additional injuries or costs, you might still have grounds for a lawsuit. Always consult an attorney before accepting any settlements.

Unraveling the truths from the myths in personal injury can be a daunting task. However, equipped with the right information, victims can make informed decisions about their next steps. If you’re in doubt or need assistance navigating the complexities of personal injury claims, don’t hesitate. At Patterson Bray PLLC, we are committed to ensuring that our clients are well-informed and well-represented. Reach out to us today, and let’s shed light on the path to justice together.

injury law firm Memphis

Injury Law Explained Simply

Every day, countless individuals experience injuries, often due to the negligence or actions of others. While some of these injuries may be minor, others can be life-altering, leading to pain, suffering, and financial burdens. That’s where injury law comes into play. It’s the legal domain that allows injured individuals to seek compensation for the harm they’ve suffered. But what exactly is injury law, and how does it work? Let’s break it down in simple terms.

Understanding Injury Law Basics

At its core, injury law, often referred to as personal injury law, revolves around the concept of negligence. If someone’s negligence or carelessness results in harm to another person, the injured party has the right to seek compensation. The compensation can cover a wide range of damages, from medical bills to lost wages and even emotional distress.

Common Types Of Personal Injury Cases

There’s a broad spectrum of scenarios that can fall under injury law:

  1. Auto Accidents: Probably the most recognized, these cases arise when someone is injured due to a vehicle accident caused by another’s negligence.
  2. Slip and Fall: Property owners have a duty to keep their premises safe. If someone slips, trips, or falls due to unsafe conditions, they may have a case.
  3. Medical Malpractice: When healthcare professionals fail to provide the standard of care expected, leading to patient harm, it could warrant a personal injury claim.
  4. Defective Products: If a product is defective and causes injury, the manufacturer might be held liable.
  5. Workplace Injuries: While many workplace injuries lead to workers’ compensation claims, there are situations where personal injury law comes into play, especially if third-party negligence is involved.

Proving Negligence

For a successful personal injury claim, one must establish negligence. This involves proving four elements:

  • Duty: The defendant had a legal duty to act in a certain way or avoid certain actions to prevent harm.
  • Breach: The defendant failed to uphold that duty.
  • Cause: This breach directly caused the injury.
  • Damage: The plaintiff suffered actual damages, be it physical, emotional, or financial.

The Importance Of Timelines

It’s crucial to note that there’s a time limit, known as the statute of limitations, within which one must file a personal injury claim. This timeline varies depending on state laws and the type of injury. Missing this window often means losing the right to file a claim.

Injured? Better Lawyer Up

Injury law provides a crucial avenue for individuals to seek justice and compensation when they’ve been harmed due to others’ negligence. While the legal landscape can seem complicated, it’s grounded in simple principles of responsibility, care, and justice.

If you or someone you know has suffered an injury and is uncertain about the next steps, it’s essential to seek guidance. A professional perspective can make a world of difference in understanding your rights and options. At Patterson Bray PLLC, our dedicated team is here to support and guide you. As a premier Memphis, TN injury law firm, we’re committed to ensuring our clients receive the attention, care, and justice they deserve. Trust in our experience, and together, we’ll chart the best path forward for your unique situation.

Car accident lawyer Memphis, TN

When To Hire A Car Crash Lawyer

Car accidents can range from minor fender benders to catastrophic events with severe injuries and property damage. While some situations might require only a straightforward insurance claim, others can benefit significantly from legal expertise. The aftermath of an accident can be overwhelming, but knowing when to seek the guidance of a car crash lawyer can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.

Factors To Consider

  • Severity of the Injuries: If the injuries sustained from the accident are severe, long-lasting, or result in permanent disability, it’s vital to have legal counsel. Medical expenses can add up, and you’ll need to ensure you receive compensation not only for current medical bills but also for future treatments and therapies.
  • Disputed Liability: When the at-fault party disputes their role in the accident or the insurance company contests their policyholder’s liability, it complicates the claim. A lawyer can gather essential evidence to establish fault firmly.
  • Complex Circumstances: Some accidents involve multiple parties or occur under unique circumstances that require an in-depth understanding of the law. In such cases, it’s advisable to have a legal expert navigate these complexities.
  • Unfair Settlement Offer: Insurance companies, in their quest to protect their bottom line, might offer a settlement that doesn’t adequately cover your damages. If you feel that the compensation offered doesn’t align with your damages, a lawyer can help negotiate a better deal.
  • Accidents Involving Commercial Vehicles: Accidents involving trucks, buses, or other commercial vehicles often have different legal implications. Businesses might have their own team of lawyers, and dealing with them requires an adept legal strategy.
  • Limited Time to File a Claim: The statute of limitations is a window within which you can file a claim after an accident. Different states have varying timelines, and missing this deadline means you may forfeit your right to seek compensation. A lawyer ensures timely filing and helps you avoid potential pitfalls that could jeopardize your claim.

Benefits Of Hiring A Lawyer

  • Professional Expertise: A seasoned car crash lawyer understands the nuances of personal injury law and can guide you through each step, ensuring that all legal requirements are met.
  • Negotiation Skills: Attorneys have the expertise to negotiate with insurance companies, helping you get a settlement that genuinely reflects your damages.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing you have someone in your corner can provide immense relief during a stressful time. It allows you to focus on recovery while your attorney handles the legalities.

Get In Touch With Our Lawyers Today

Car accidents are unfortunately a common occurrence, and not every situation requires legal intervention. However, when faced with severe injuries, disputed claims, or complicated scenarios, it’s in your best interest to consult with a professional.

If you or a loved one find yourselves grappling with the aftermath of a car accident in the Memphis area, don’t navigate the challenging terrain alone. Our team at Patterson Bray PLLC is here to help. With a dedicated Memphis, TN car accident lawyer from our firm by your side, you can be assured of personalized attention, expert guidance, and the commitment to secure the best possible outcome for your case. Let us stand with you in your pursuit of justice and fair compensation.

divorce lawyer Memphis, TN

Asset Division During Divorce

Divorce is never an easy journey, and one of the most complex facets of this process is the division of assets. When two people decide to part ways, it’s not just emotions and memories that get entangled but also properties, finances, and sometimes even debts. Understanding the nuances of asset division can make the path a bit smoother and ensure both parties get a fair deal.

Basics Of Asset Division

The division of assets during a divorce is based on the principle of equitable distribution. It’s crucial to understand that “equitable” does not necessarily mean “equal.” Instead, it implies a fair division based on various factors, including each spouse’s financial condition, contribution to marital assets, and future needs.

Marital Vs. Separate Assets

Before the division begins, assets are categorized as either marital or separate:

  • Marital Assets: These are properties and financial assets acquired during the marriage. This can include homes, cars, retirement funds, investments, and even debts accrued together.
  • Separate Assets: Assets owned before the marriage or acquired as a gift or inheritance during the marriage usually fall under this category. However, the distinction can blur if separate assets get mingled with marital ones, making legal guidance vital.

Factors Considered During Asset Division

While each case is unique, courts generally consider several factors:

  1. Duration of the Marriage: Longer marriages might see a closer-to-equal division, especially if one spouse sacrificed career opportunities.
  2. Economic Circumstances: If one spouse has a significantly higher earning potential, it could influence the asset distribution.
  3. Contribution to Marital Assets: This doesn’t just mean financial contribution. Homemaking and childcare are valuable contributions that courts recognize.
  4. Future Needs: If one spouse will have primary custody of children or has a lower earning potential, they might receive a larger portion of assets.

The Importance Of Accurate Asset Valuation

It’s vital to get an accurate valuation of all marital assets. Underestimating or overlooking assets can lead to unfair distribution. Professional appraisers might be required, especially for items like real estate, businesses, or valuable collectibles.

Protecting Your Interests

While courts aim for fair division, it’s essential to advocate for your interests. Ensure all assets are on the table and be prepared to negotiate. Sometimes, couples can agree on asset division outside court through mediation, which can save time and emotional distress.

Get In Touch With A Lawyer Today

Asset division during divorce can be a challenging process filled with emotions and intricacies. It’s more than just splitting properties; it’s about ensuring both parties can move forward with financial security and peace of mind.

If you’re going through a divorce or foresee one in your future, don’t navigate this journey alone. It’s essential to have experienced guidance by your side. At Patterson Bray PLLC, we’ve stood by countless individuals, providing the legal support and advice they needed. As a dedicated Memphis, TN divorce lawyer, we understand the intricacies and emotions involved. Let us be your beacon during these challenging times. Together, we’ll ensure a fair asset division that respects your rights and future.

Auto accident lawyer Memphis, TN

Auto Accidents: Knowing Your Rights

Getting into an automobile accident can be a traumatic experience. The moments following the impact are often filled with a blend of shock, confusion, and a cascade of thoughts. Amidst the physical pain and emotional turmoil, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your rights. While no one ever plans on being in an accident, knowing what to do and what your rights are can make the aftermath less daunting.

The Right To Stay Safe

First and foremost, after an accident, ensure your safety and the safety of others involved. If it’s possible and safe to do so, move your vehicle out of traffic. If not, turn on your hazard lights and remain in the car until help arrives. Your immediate concern should always be the health and safety of everyone involved.

The Right To Seek Medical Attention

Even if you feel fine after an accident, it’s crucial to get a medical checkup. Some injuries, like whiplash or internal injuries, might not manifest immediate symptoms. You have the right to see a doctor of your choice. Remember, early detection and documentation of any injuries can be vital for both your health and any potential compensation claims.

The Right To Information

At the scene of the accident, you are entitled to exchange information with the other driver. This includes their name, contact details, insurance information, and driver’s license number. Also, if there are witnesses, it’s a good idea to gather their contact information, as their statements can be invaluable in case of disputes.

The Right To Document The Scene

Always consider taking photos or videos of the accident scene, the vehicles involved, and any visible injuries. This visual evidence can be a powerful tool in establishing the facts and can provide clarity when memories fade or stories change.

The Right To Report The Accident

In many jurisdictions, it’s mandatory to report auto accidents to the police, especially if they result in injury or significant property damage. Even if it’s not compulsory in your area, it’s still a wise move. A police report can be an unbiased record of the incident and can be instrumental in settling disputes.

The Right To Representation

Perhaps one of the most critical rights you should be aware of is your right to legal representation. If you decide to pursue a claim or if someone files a claim against you, it’s crucial to have an expert by your side. This is where the expertise of a Memphis, TN auto accident lawyer can be indispensable. They can guide you through the intricacies of the legal system, ensuring your rights are protected and that you get the compensation you deserve.

The Right To Remain Silent

Remember, anything you say can be used against you in future proceedings. While it’s crucial to cooperate with law enforcement, you have the right to remain silent when it comes to admitting fault or making statements that might be self-incriminating.

The Right To Compensation

If the accident wasn’t your fault, you might be entitled to compensation. This can cover medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damage. It’s essential to consult with a lawyer to understand the full scope of what you may be entitled to.

In conclusion, auto accidents can be overwhelming, but knowing your rights can empower you to navigate the post-accident phase with confidence. If you or a loved one ever find yourselves in such an unfortunate situation, remember that help is available. At Patterson Bray PLLC, we stand ready to assist you, ensuring that your rights are upheld and you receive the best possible outcome. Reach out to us, and let’s navigate the journey together.

Car Accident Attorneys Memphis

Understanding Car Accident Claims

Car accidents can be a traumatic and confusing experience. In the moments, days, and weeks that follow, victims often find themselves dealing with not only the physical repercussions of the accident but also a maze of paperwork, legal processes, and insurance claims. If you or someone you know has been involved in a car crash, it’s essential to understand how car accident claims work. This knowledge can be the key to ensuring that you get the compensation you deserve.

The Basics Of A Car Accident Claim

At its core, a car accident claim is a request made to an insurance company for compensation. This compensation might cover medical bills, vehicle repairs, lost wages, and even non-tangible damages such as pain and suffering. While many car accident claims are settled without much dispute, others can become complex, especially when the fault is in question or if the damages are significant.

Determining Fault

One of the most crucial aspects of a car accident claim is determining who was at fault. In some cases, it’s quite clear who was responsible, but in others, multiple parties could share the blame. It’s in these situations that evidence becomes vital. Police reports, witness testimonies, and even traffic camera footage can play a role in ascertaining who was at fault. Remember, in some states, even if you are partially at fault, you might still be entitled to compensation.

Calculating Damages

Once fault has been determined, the next step in the process is to calculate the damages. This doesn’t just refer to the obvious expenses like medical bills or car repairs. There are several types of damages that one can claim:

  • Economic Damages: These are tangible, out-of-pocket expenses like medical bills, property damage, and lost wages.
  • Non-Economic Damages: These are more intangible and relate to pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life.
  • Punitive Damages: In cases where the at-fault party’s behavior was particularly reckless or egregious, the court might award punitive damages as a way to punish the offender and deter similar behavior in the future.

Negotiating With Insurance Companies

Often, the process of making a car accident claim involves negotiating with insurance companies. These companies have their own team of adjusters and lawyers whose primary job is to minimize the payout. It’s essential to approach these negotiations with ample evidence, patience, and a clear understanding of your rights.

However, always remember that accepting an early settlement offer without consulting with an attorney might leave you with less compensation than you’re entitled to. Once you agree to a settlement, it’s usually final, and you might not be able to claim additional expenses that arise later on.

Get In Touch With A Lawyer Today

Navigating the world of car accident claims can be challenging. From determining fault to negotiating with shrewd insurance adjusters, there’s a lot to consider. But with a clear understanding of the process and the right support, it becomes easier to secure the compensation you deserve.

If you’re in Memphis and find yourself in need of guidance through this complex process, our team of Memphis, TN car accident attorneys is here to help. At Patterson Bray PLLC, we are committed to ensuring our clients get the best possible outcome. Trust in our expertise, and together, we’ll work towards securing the justice and compensation you rightfully deserve.

The Deadly Connection Between Holidays And Drunk-Driving Crashes

Despite widespread knowledge of just how dangerous it is, a car accident lawyer in Memphis, TN knows that drunk driving remains a persistent problem in the United States. National statistics from the early 2000s show that there was an average of 36 fatalities per day due to drunk driving accidents during that time period.

As unacceptably high as that number is, it pales in comparison to DUI accident death rates around major holidays. During the holidays there are more cars on the road, with many drivers having just spent time with their families and drinking alcohol. Drivers are distracted and may not realize how much they have had to drink, putting their life and other people’s lives at risk. If you’ve been involved in a drunk driving accident either during the holidays or at another time of year, it’s important to understand that you don’t have to navigate the legal aftermath of your collision alone. Working with an experienced Memphis, Tennessee car accident lawyer from Patterson Bray can help you make an informed decision about whether to hold the drunk driver who caused your injuries accountable for their behavior. 

The ‘holiday season from late November through early January

During this short period, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year’s Eve. And most adults celebrate with alcohol. During Christmas and New Years’, for instance, some 40 percent of traffic fatalities involve drunk driving. In recent years, an average of 300 drunk driving-related deaths occurred annually in just the final week of the year.

One of the busiest nights each year for bars is the evening before Thanksgiving, commonly referred to as “Black Wednesday.” And because Thanksgiving is a major holiday for car travel, DUI arrests and car accidents surge during this time. It is one of the busiest days for holiday travel, so the likelihood of accidents increases. If you have been struck by a drunk driver, having a lawyer to assist you with your case is strongly recommended. Handling a car accident claim is not an easy task, especially if you are not familiar with the law or the claims process. Navigating the aftermath of a DUI crash is always disorienting. But trying to come to terms with your legal situation during the craziness and emotional holiday time can be particularly jarring. Luckily you do not have to deal with the stress of filing a claim during the busy holiday season alone. Know that an experienced Memphis, TN car accident lawyer can help. 

Summertime and summer holidays

Summer is seen as an especially deadly time for teen drivers because most teens are on summer vacation and might be drinking as well as driving more often. Teenagers, especially ones who have just gotten their driver’s licenses, are more likely to get into a car accident because of their inexperience and inclination towards risky behavior. During the summer when more teenagers are on the road, it is even more dangerous, and the chances of accidents spike. Memorial Day and Labor Day are two dangerous holidays for drunk-driving crashes because both days typically involve a three-day weekend. But the period between these two holidays remains especially dangerous for younger drivers. The Fourth of July is another summer holiday associated with an increased risk of DUI accidents. Many DUI accidents impact victims who are traveling on summer vacation. If you have been injured after being involved in a DUI accident, you can receive legal help from a trusted lawyer. An experienced car accident lawyer has worked on many different types of cases and knows exactly how to handle yours. Know that whether your crash occurred in Tennessee or not, a Memphis, TN car accident lawyer can help you sort out your options. 

Other holidays and celebrations

There are certain occasions that are primarily about alcohol for most Americans who observe them, including St. Patrick’s Day, Cinco de Mayo, and the weekend of the Super Bowl. During these more relaxed holidays, it is customary for many Americans who observe them to host large parties or celebrate at bars or restaurants. As a result, serious and fatal drunk driving accidents significantly increase during these holidays. According to federal statistics, one-third of all fatalities that occurred on St. Patrick’s Day 2010 were due to alcohol-related crashes.

Driving Safely In Harsh Weather Conditions

Driving on a normal day comes with plenty of obstacles, but when you are driving in harsh or unique weather conditions you need to take further precautions. Each day drivers and pedestrians become victims of accidents that involve weather-related factors. Unfortunately, sometimes drivers don’t always pay attention to the weather conditions or are not mindful of how it affects their driving. Making the right choices at the right time if you are driving through harsh weather can mean the difference between minor or major injuries, as well as a smoother claims process. Here are things you should remember whenever you are driving in difficult weather conditions. 

Check Weather Reports 

Before you head out on a trip, regardless of the distance, make sure to check your local weather reports. If the weather is especially severe, you should review routes that are safe to take. If there is no possible way of safely driving on the road, you may want to consider driving on a different day or time. 

Drive At A Safe Speed 

One of the easiest ways you can drive more safely at night is by monitoring your speed limit. Reducing your speed and driving more cautiously can drastically minimize your chances of getting into a car accident. This is especially important during times when the weather is not ideal, such as during rain, fog or snow. It is not worth getting a few seconds faster to your destination. 

Have An Emergency Kit

It is always best to be prepared whenever you are going on the road. In times of extreme weather, this is crucial. An emergency kit is recommended to keep in your car should you encounter difficult conditions, such as a sudden storm. You should purchase or create an emergency kit that contains all of your necessary and essential items, such as food, water, blankets, flashlights, and other equipment you may need in case you get stranded somewhere unfamiliar or far from a town or city. 

Bring The Right Equipment

When you are driving in tough weather, you will want to bring the right equipment. For example, if you are planning to drive on an icy road, make sure that you have snow chains for your tires so that you can have better traction. Your vehicle will be less likely to slip. You should also check that you have paper maps as well in case you lose your phone signal or have trouble navigating with the GPS. 

There are tips you can follow to ensure that you can increase your chances of getting involved in an accident. Taking the time to assess conditions before you head out on the road can save your life. It is always better to be safe than sorry. If you have been involved in a serious car accident, act quickly so that you can gather the information you need regarding your legal options. If you are in need of urgent legal assistance, schedule a risk-free consultation now. 

Why You Shouldn’t “DIY” Injury Cases

Personal Injury Lawyers

A few years back, the concept of “DIY” made a resurgence in popular culture. The idea that “do(ing) it yourself” approaches are laudable tend to ebb and flow as society’s priorities shift back and forth. Even before the pandemic hit – and a significant fraction of Americans were isolated in their homes for months on end – DIY culture was in a cycle of approval rather than rejection.

Yet, even when DIY approaches are popular, there are some tasks that you just shouldn’t undertake on your own. For example, you shouldn’t attempt to administer your own anesthesia during a surgery, nor should you attempt to extract your own teeth. Why? Some situations require professional knowledge and experience that lay people can’t pick up by trial and error or through application of hard work. Similarly, if you have recently been injured and believe that you may be owed compensation, you shouldn’t “DIY” your own personal injury lawsuit.

Maximizing Your Compensation Is the Goal

As an experienced personal injury lawyer – including those who practice at Davis, Johnson & Kallal – can confirm, it is very difficult for self-represented injury victims to secure the maximum amount of compensation they’re owed. It is often very difficult for self-represented injury victims to simply receive a minimally fair compensation award, let alone the full amount of compensation to which they are entitled.

This is partially because the law is a profession. Like accountants, physicians, and architects, lawyers are considered “professionals” because they spend years in graduate school receiving advance training and are required to complete ongoing educational requirements to remain licensed. The legal system isn’t designed for lay people to navigate it with ease. And although courts will allow you to represent yourself – just as you’re entitled to treat your own medical conditions at home – it simply isn’t easy in the least to achieve the same kind of favorable outcome on your own that an attorney could pursue on your behalf.

You Need to Focus on Healing

It takes a surprising amount of physical, mental, and emotional energy to heal from any kind of trauma. Whether you’ve been involved in a car accident or you took a nasty spill in a retail parking lot, you need to be smart about conserving energy where you can as you heal. Allowing an experienced attorney to haggle with insurance companies, gather evidence for your lawsuit, and generally handle all of the “heavy lifting” that pursuing justice entails will better ensure that you can focus your energy on your recovery process.

Lawsuits Are Time-Sensitive

Gathering evidence, building a case, and navigating all the ins and outs of the legal process takes time. If you’re working, healing, caring for loved ones, etc., you likely do not have the time it will take to achieve a favorable verdict on your hands. Pursuing justice is a lawyer’s “day job.” As a result, they have resources to commit to your case that you likely do not at this time.