How To Pay Your Bills Following a Bicycle Accident
If you were involved in an accident while on your bicycle, you may have heard that you can seek financial compensation. When you aren’t at fault for an accident, it can be difficult to determine how you’re supposed to pay your medical bills. Most people don’t have the savings necessary to pay for extensive medical assistance. However, if you were to seek financial compensation from the driver, you do not receive it automatically. Here is what you need to know about receiving medical attention following a bicycle accident.
Use Your Health Insurance First
When you arrive at the hospital, you should use your health insurance. When you undergo medical treatment, you have to pay your bills the same way that you would under any other circumstance. Even if you know that another person is responsible for your injuries, you have to wait for your settlement before you can hold him or her accountable. If you have to provide upfront payment, then you should.
When you receive your compensation, you can add all of the medical bills that you already paid. … Read the rest
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