Health Care Mistakes

Many medical mistakes can be considered malpractice in certain instances. This article focuses on four of those errors and how they can warrant lawsuits. As a medical malpractice lawyer can tell you, medical malpractice may have occurred if a medical professional or health care facility provided a patient with care...

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Wiseman Bray becomes Patterson Bray

New Name, Continued Excellence on Your Behalf The former law offices of Wiseman Bray Attorneys are proud to announce a new name, Patterson Bray PLLC, effective January 12, 2022. This name does not reflect a change in our management or services, rather it serves as recognition of the continuity of...

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How to Get Help from a Brain Injury Lawyer

Because so many people suffer from traumatic injuries and require rehabilitation, it is no secret that most Americans cannot afford rehabilitation centers and rehab. Medicare, Medicaid and most insurance companies are going to cover the cost of green surgery, and any care that is required to save the patient’s life...

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