Are Sobriety Test Mandatory?

Drunk Driving Lawyer

If you are pulled over, are you required to take a sobriety test? This is something you should know before you are pulled over. It can be a terrifying thing to have those lights appear in your rear view mirror and for the police officer to ask you to get out of your car. It is vital to know what your rights are in advance, so you can act rationally and calmly in the moment. If you have already been charged with a DUI, the first thing you should do is hire a DUI attorney.

Are Sobriety Tests Mandatory?

So, the big question is whether or not you are required to take a sobriety test. This includes the breathalyzer, as well as any other test. This includes blood tests, urine tests, and challenges that test your physical or mental abilities. You may be surprised to learn that you are almost never required to take a sobriety test. There are only three situations where an individual is required to take a sobriety test:

  • The individual is under the
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Avoid These Bad Faith Tactics from Auto Insurance Companies

Car Accident Lawyer

Getting into any auto accident can really set your life back personally and financially. Many car accident victims go through insurance companies to receive compensation for their losses stemming from the accident. However, while it may seem as if the insurer wants to help you, it’s important to remember that the insurer is primarily focused on what is the most beneficial outcome for them and not you.

Sometimes, insurance companies engage in what is known as “bad faith” tactics. These are tactics they try to employ to avoid paying you the entire amount of your valid claim.

Delaying at every turn

The insurance company may delay sending payment or even making offers. The idea here is to frustrate you so you accept a lower offer later because you are paying out-of-pocket medical bills and other costs and need the money.

Failing to conduct a proper investigation

An insurer may only look into some of the accident and use those partial factors to determine how much money to offer you. In reality, they should conduct a thorough investigation … Read the rest

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Safe Alternatives to Driving While Intoxicated

Car Accident Lawyer in Memphis, Tennessee

The decision to get behind the wheel of a car and drive intoxicated is often a poor lapse in judgement. For some, doing so can become the norm. Some drivers regularly make the decision to drive intoxicated. Although there are a number of reasons for this, none of them warrant or justify the risk driving drunk can pose to not only the driver, but others on the roads. 

Each year, drunk driving claims thousands of victims. In 2016, more than 10,000 fatalities from car accidents involved drunk driving. This made up nearly 28% of all fatalities on the road that year. The consequences of a DWI, and the risk to others on the road can be easily mitigated when a driver accesses safe alternatives when intoxicated. Next time a driver considers getting behind the wheel after overindulging in alcohol, it’s always best to make alternative plans to getting behind the wheel and driving:

Call an Uber, Lyft or Taxi Service

Contacting a company to transport you to your destination may ensure that you arrive … Read the rest

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Can Employees Receive Workers’ Compensation After an Old Injury Is Aggravated?

On The Job Injury Lawyer

If you suffer an injury at your current place of work, you will probably look into workers’ compensation quickly. What happens if you had a condition or injury to start with? What if you have an old injury and your new tasks aggravated it? Given how common this is, it’s important to know if you have a claim.

Pre-Existing Conditions Without Prior Claims

It’s not unusual for employees to have pre-existing conditions. Sometimes, these conditions happen naturally, through aging. In other circumstances, these conditions may be due to injuries sustained in an employee’s personal life. For example, if you used to play sports and suffer from a sports-related shoulder or arm injury, then you may end up aggravating the old injury at work.

If you have a pre-existing condition, it does not count you out in terms of whether or not you can receive workers’ compensation. Instead, you can still receive your benefits to account for how your situation became worse. You will have to have your doctor evaluate you to figure out if your … Read the rest

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Types Of Divorce: Fault And No-Fault

Family Lawyer

In some states are two types of divorce: fault and no-fault. A no-fault divorce decree can be entered into fairly easily on the grounds that there are irreconcilable differences or the union is irretrievably broken. In such a case, both spouses would have to agree to that in order for it to move ahead smoothly.

A fault divorce requires proof that the other spouse has participated in one of six undesirable behaviors during the marriage. They are imprisonment, desertion, adultery, bigamy, indignity, or cruel and barbarous treatment. In some of these divorce cases, the defendant will fight the decree, so proof must be made.

The Benefits of Proving Fault

Though some couples can get through a divorce amicably and without pointing fingers, there are others who just can’t do it for one reason or another. If your case calls for proof, there are some benefits you could take from it. They include:

  • A Quicker Settlement – If you can easily prove fault in the other spouse, the final divorce decree may be settled more quickly, allowing you to
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In a Pedestrian Accident? Here’s What to Do

Pedestrian Accident Lawyers

Auto-pedestrian accidents are common across the US. When a pedestrian is struck by a car, they are in a more injury-prone position because they lack the safety afforded by a car to an automobile driver.

If you were hit by a car, truck or bus while on foot, you may be able to receive damages for your injuries, pain, suffering, and losses stemming from the accident. Of course, you may not know what to do next, so here is a look at what actions you should take if you find yourself in this situation.

Get treatment first

It might sound obvious, but you should see a medical professional to get checked out for injuries after an auto-pedestrian accident. If you were treated at the scene of the accident, be sure to schedule a visit with your doctor and follow your doctor’s instructions for your treatments.

Should you have declined medical care at the accident site, you can still have yourself checked over now. Sometimes, injuries don’t show up right away after an accident. If you delay care … Read the rest

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Underinsured and Uninsured Motorist Coverage

Car Accident Attorney

Unfortunately, motor vehicle accidents happen more often than one would like. Knowing that you and the other party involved in the accident have car insurance makes the situation slightly more tolerable, knowing that property damage may be covered at no cost to you and medical expenses for any physical harm may be covered as well. There are, unfortunately, some cases where involved parties do not have motor vehicle insurance. Sometimes, even if they do, it is not enough to cover damages incurred in the accident. Or if there is a hit and run accident and there is no way to identify the involved vehicle, and therefore you cannot use the responsible parties insurance. In the event that these “worse case scenarios” happen to you or someone you know, it is important to know and understand what options are available to you.

There are two types of coverages available to consumers, uninsured motorist coverage, and underinsured motorists coverage. It is much more to understand about the two but they are basically explained in their own terms. Uninsured motorist … Read the rest

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Wrongful Death Claim Filed Against Tesla in Autopilot Crash

Wrongful Death Lawyer

Automaker Tesla is being sued over a death involving one of its autopilot cars, reports Tech Crunch.

The wrongful death claim is being brought against the automaker and the State of California’s transportation department by the family of the victim, Walter Huang. The Apple engineer died after the Model X Tesla he was driving crashed into a median on the highway with the Autopilot feature engaged. Huang’s family is alleging that the Autopilot system failed to detect the median, misread lane lines and failed to brake, accelerating into the median instead.

A representative for the family said that automaker is beta testing the software for Autopilot on its drivers, and that Huang’s wife and two children lost their family member as a result.

Other allegations in the lawsuit include failure to warn, defects in a product design, product liability, warranty breach, false advertising and intentional and negligent misrepresentation. California’s transportation department is also named in the claim because the median that Huang’s Tesla hit was missing the attenuator guard, which is meant to ease the impact of … Read the rest

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What Do I Need to Know About Preparing for a Personal Injury Case?

Personal Injury Lawyer in Memphis, TN

It can be difficult to completely avoid an accident in which we get injured, especially if another person or entity was responsible for it happening. Personal injury accidents can include car collisions, slip and falls, bike accidents, and much more. A victim in such a scenario may be entitled to receiving compensation from the party at-fault, if negligence or recklessness was a factor in the incident. Those who recently fell victim to a personal injury accident, may have plenty of questions for their attorney. 

An attorney can help a person get prepared for a personal injury case. Here we have listed just a few examples of the types of questions a client may ask their legal representative when seeking compensation for damages and losses: 

Q: Why is seeking medical help important?

A: If you or a loved one was harmed due to an accident, the first thing that you must do is see your doctor. If the injury is urgent, then call 911 before leaving the scene and request an examination of your condition. … Read the rest

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The Pros And Cons Of Do-It-Yourself Divorces

Divorce Attorney

If you are going through the divorce process, it is likely that you have searched the internet for information. You may have found some valuable information and resources online, such as legal forms and instructions how to file. While some of these legal forms are free of charge, others cost a small fee. Regardless of whether these forms are free or not, they are not always the best option for individuals who are going through a divorce.

In most cases, these do it yourself or DIY legal forms are very generic. Although they may work for your particular case, it is likely that they are too generic to meet your needs. In addition, even if you fill out these forms, they will need to be thoroughly reviewed by a divorce lawyer.

If you would like to speak with one of our attorneys to learn more, contact our office to set up a free and confidential consultation. In the meantime, the following is a brief overview of the pros and cons of do-it-yourself divorces.


DIY legal forms can … Read the rest

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