Common Brain Injuries After an Accident
Unfortunately, brain injuries are not uncommon after car accidents and you may be experiencing some of the following.
- A Concussion. This is a very common brain injury and one that many people can recover from quickly. That said, if you don’t realize you have a concussion and do not monitor it, you may find your symptoms are severe and the damage done gets worse. Common symptoms of a concussion include vomiting, dizziness, fatigue, loss of consciousness, tinnitus, and difficulty concentrating.
- Penetration. Another way your brain can become damaged is by penetration. If an external object is forced into your skull during a car accident, it can cause severe brain injuries. If the wound is not fatal, you may experience temporary or permanent bleeding, seizures, paralysis, or loss of consciousness.
- Contusion. It is possible for your brain to become bruised. This is known as a contusion. When you get into a car accident your brain may knock into your head, often caused by the driver of the car hitting the steering wheel or side window. You may experience slurred speech, migraines,