What Kind of Cases Are Included in Personal Injury Law? 

Personal injury law is incredibly broad, as there are so many different types of accidents that can be included in these cases. You should always seek the assistance of an experienced personal injury lawyer, like one from Unidos Legales, if you think that you might have a case. We will go over some of the most common personal injury cases in this article. 

Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and falls are one of the most common types of personal injury cases. Likely, the reason for this is that they can happen anywhere. The way for a slip and fall accident to go to court is if negligence was a factor in the fall. An example of this would be if a slippery floor was not properly labeled or if there is a hazardous object in the way that caused a person to fall. Anything that is not a normal, flat surface could constitute negligence on a pathway. 

Vehicle Accidents

Almost everyone drives a car or some kind of vehicle to get to work or run errands. There is a risk with this, however. Car accidents can range from incredibly mild to catastrophic. You should always be compensated for your injuries and any other damages from the accident. The at fault party needs to pay any expenses you have after the car accident. You should contact a lawyer before even speaking with an insurance agent regarding this, as insurance often does not give you as much as you deserve. 

Medical Malpractice 

It is important to seek compensation for a medical malpractice case not only to get all of your bills taken care of, but also in an attempt to prevent this from happening to anyone else in the future. You should seek legal representation from a personal injury lawyer who specializes in medical malpractice so that the at fault party does not get away with injuring you like that. 

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer Today

You need to reach out to a personal injury lawyer as soon as you realize you might have a case. Not only will it be crucial to collect witness statements and any evidence in a timely manner, but it will also be important to make sure you get everything filed on time. Contact a personal injury law firm right away to set up a consultation with a lawyer. Consultations are typically free, then most personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, which means that the lawyer will only collect payment if they win your case. Reach out today to learn more. 

What Cases Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Help Me With?

A terrible personal injury accident can put your life on hold, due to the extensive physical and emotional damage. Depending on the severity of your injuries and the amount of expenses you are left with, you could face a number of struggles for the next several months following your accident. If you wish to recover compensation that can greatly reduce your financial burden, having a trusted lawyer at your side can be beneficial. They can be your legal advocate for a variety of personal injury cases.  

Pedestrian Accidents 

Accidents involving vehicles and pedestrians are all too common. You may be able to recover compensation if you were a pedestrian who had the right of way and was struck by a vehicle. 

Car Accidents

A person becomes injured due to a car accident every day, and it often is due to negligence or driver error. Personal injury lawyers assist victims who have been injured in an accident due to another driver’s actions. 

Product Liability 

Companies must ensure that the products that they put out in the market are safe to use and won’t cause consumers harm. With a lawyer’s help, you can file a lawsuit against a company and seek damages for injuries you sustained. 

Bicycle Accident

When a bicycle accident happens, it can result in the rider sustaining serious injuries. If another driver caused the accident which led to your injury, you can be eligible to recover compensation if you file a claim in time. 

Construction Accident 

Construction zones contain many types of hazards, so the chances of an accident occurring is high. If you were injured at a construction site, you may be eligible to claim damages if the site was not secured properly or the accident occurred due to the construction company’s negligence.

Dog Bite

When a dog owner is at fault for a dog bite incident, the injured victim may be able to recover compensation. Owners are liable if their dog bites another person or animal, causing serious injury. 

No matter what kind of injuries you have sustained, a lawyer can help you prepare a strong case so that you can maximize your compensation amount. Turning to a reputable and qualified personal injury lawyer like one from Therman Law Offices is a first step that you should consider. Don’t wait another day to learn about your legal rights. Learn more by scheduling a risk-free consultation now so you can get started. 

Everything You Need to Know About a Hair Transplant After a Fire or Car Accident

When you think of a hair transplant, you might automatically think of an older man with a bare scalp. You would be surprised to find out that this procedure is not just for balding men! In fact, more and more women are choosing to have hair transplants every year. In addition, this treatment is used for all sorts of cases, such as for burn victims and people involved in car accidents that resulted in hair loss. A personal injury that caused hair loss is something that one did not plan for. Genetics are one thing and one can look forward to potentially losing hair;’ however, when you are badly burned and lose hair as a result, this can decrease confidence and cause much hardship. This also turns into a medical necessity to fix. This is why it’s important that if you see a hair loss professional, such as Dr. Robin Unger, you must notify your personal injury attorney and save all documentation for damages purposes.

What Is a Hair Transplant?

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that transfers hair follicles from one part of your body to another. It is most commonly used to restore hair loss in the scalp, but can also be used to restore eyebrows, eyelashes, beard hair, and chest hair. In addition, patients involved in car wrecks or burn accidents have used this type of treatment to restore their hair in places where it was lost. The surgery is typically performed using local anesthesia and takes about four hours. Recovery time varies depending on the extent of the surgery but is typically one to two weeks. Results will be noticeable immediately following the procedure, but full results may not be seen for several months. 

During a hair transplant, the surgeon will remove a strip of hair from the back of your head. This strip of hair will be divided into small grafts, each containing one or two hairs. These grafts will then be transplanted to the bald or thinning areas of your scalp.

What are the benefits of getting a hair transplant?

When it comes to hair loss or being involved in a life changing accident that results in hair loss, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions out there. You may have heard that hair transplants are expensive and painful procedures with unpredictable results. However, the truth is that hair transplants can be an effective way to restore your hairline and improve your appearance.

Here are some of the benefits of getting a hair transplant:

1) You will get natural-looking results. A good hair transplant surgeon will carefully match the color and texture of your donor hair to the surrounding hair, so that the transplant looks completely natural.

2) The procedure is minimally invasive. Most people only require a local anesthetic, and the surgery takes about four hours to complete.

3) There is little downtime afterward. You can go back to work the next day and resume your normal activities.

4) You will gain back your confidence. Hair is that part of your body that is cherished, even without knowing it. Your hair belongs to you and for some, defines their character. When it is no longer there, a piece of that person fades. Gain your confidence back with these treatments. 

Hair transplants can restore hair loss due to male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness. They can also help to improve the appearance of hair loss, bald patches, and thinning hair. Hair transplants can also be used to fill in scars caused by accidents or surgery.

How to Prepare for Hair Transplant Surgery

Before your surgery, you will need to stop taking any blood-thinning medications, such as aspirin or ibuprofen. You will also be required to fast for eight hours before the surgery. You will need to bring a driver with you to the surgery, as you will not be able to drive yourself home.

What to Expect During Hair Transplant Surgery

The surgery will take between four and eight hours to complete. You will be given general anesthesia, so you will be asleep during the procedure. Once the surgery is completed, you will need to stay in the clinic overnight.

Once you have recovered from the surgery, you will be able to go back to your normal activities. However, you will need to avoid strenuous activity for at least two weeks after the surgery. You will also need to avoid washing your hair for the first three days after the surgery.

How to Get Help from a Brain Injury Lawyer

Because so many people suffer from traumatic injuries and require rehabilitation, it is no secret that most Americans cannot afford rehabilitation centers and rehab. Medicare, Medicaid and most insurance companies are going to cover the cost of green surgery, and any care that is required to save the patient’s life however after that point the benefits for rehab programs and brain injury physical therapy, are not covered.

Depending upon the type of service you are deceiving you may be paying $600-$8000 a day, and sadly your regular American cannot afford these prices. Because of his lack of coverage, thousands of brain injury patients are going to be discharged from their hospital after their lives are saved and they are out of danger, and they’re not going to get the follow-up care they need.

This means that these patients are left to their own devices in the critical months after brain injury and brain surgery, where they cannot afford to get treatment and they don’t. The brain is supposedly most receptive to healing the first few months after surgery, and this is according to the national Institute on disability and rehabilitation research. So not being able to get the help that they need, lose them with a less than ideal support system and healing structure.

About two thirds of all patients who are discharged from rehab are not going to get any further care after the 16 day treatment that is required. This means that patients without this intensive therapy may not recover for use of their limbs, their ability to speak, their ability to think clearly and much more.

Texas is one of the only states in the United States that require major insurers to cover all the rehab for brain injury. And according to the CDC, 1.7 million people suffered trauma to the brain each year in the United States alone. You may receive a brain injury from a vehicle accident, strokes, and assault, fall, gunshot wounds and sports related incident.

If you suffered a traumatic brain injury, you must speak with your brain injury lawyer, can help you seek the compensation that you deserve. If your brain injuries due to the negligence of somebody on the roadway or to somebody else’s negligence that caused an accident, then your compensation is just a matter of finding a lawyer to work your side.

Your brain injury lawyer is going to be your best bet for finding enough money to continue rehabilitation after the requirement that is covered by insurance.

Do I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Do I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?

After a serious accident, you probably have many questions. You may wonder what your recovery will look like and when you can return to work. You are likely also curious if you need a personal injury attorney. The quick answer is yes.

If an accident has left you injured, there are many reasons you should seek help. Keep reading to learn a few reasons why you should consider an injury lawyer to help you win your case.

Navigating Insurance Can Be Difficult

If you are hurt, and someone else is responsible, an attorney can help you get the response you need. Unfortunately, insurance companies know it is easier to take advantage of an unrepresented person. They might not take your claim seriously unless they know that an attorney is working on it.

An injury lawyer will care about what you need and not what the insurance company needs. An attorney can also tell you what the insurance company may have to pay if they don’t attend to your claim. If your claim needs to go to court, a lawyer can also represent you there.

Complex Cases Need Careful Help

There are many complexities in an injury case in which the specialized care of a lawyer may be necessary. Sometimes insurance providers deny claims, arguing that the injuries are not severe enough. In this case, you will need someone to affirm that your injuries are significant.

An attorney can help you find out what information the insurance company might need to approve your claim. They can also work with your doctors and specialists to highlight the importance of your case. Worst case, an experienced personal injury attorney can help you get a settlement or file an appeal.

Settlements Aren’t Always in Your Favor

Keep in mind that insurance companies seek to take full advantage of earnings and reduce losses. They want to pay as little as possible and close your case as quickly as they can. Don’t suffer the economic consequences of a poorly handled insurance claim.

Consider consulting a lawyer before you accept a settlement offer from the insurance company. They will tell you how much money you should get and what to do if someone offers an amount less than what you need. Some lawyers only profit if you profit, maximizing your chances of a positive outcome.

If you’ve been injured, consider hiring an attorney. A legal representative can minimize the stress of the challenging process and may help you achieve a positive outcome. If you believe you may have a cause for a personal injury lawsuit, set up a consultation with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible.

How To Pay Your Bills Following a Bicycle Accident

If you were involved in an accident while on your bicycle, you may have heard that you can seek financial compensation. When you aren’t at fault for an accident, it can be difficult to determine how you’re supposed to pay your medical bills. Most people don’t have the savings necessary to pay for extensive medical assistance. However, if you were to seek financial compensation from the driver, you do not receive it automatically. Here is what you need to know about receiving medical attention following a bicycle accident.

Use Your Health Insurance First

When you arrive at the hospital, you should use your health insurance. When you undergo medical treatment, you have to pay your bills the same way that you would under any other circumstance. Even if you know that another person is responsible for your injuries, you have to wait for your settlement before you can hold him or her accountable. If you have to provide upfront payment, then you should.

When you receive your compensation, you can add all of the medical bills that you already paid. After all, the award is supposed to make up for the cost that you already paid and the costs that you may pay in the future.

Discuss a Payment Plan

If you don’t have the finances to pay all of your bills upfront, then you may want to discuss a payment plan with your medical facility. Many hospitals are willing to work with you when you can’t afford high medical bills. Make sure that you don’t ignore the bill, however. If you ignore what you owe, then your bills could go to a collections agency. Once there, it can harm your credit and you could face a lawsuit of your own.

Seek Financial Compensation

Soon after the accident, you should contact a car accident lawyer. He or she will guide you through the process of filing a claim against the driver. When you are in the middle of a personal injury claim, you can discuss the case with your physician. The hospital may allow you to forego paying bills until you receive compensation. The hospital would put a lien on your award.

When it comes to medical bills, you do need to pay them. Your health insurance can still pay for your medical care. If you do receive compensation, as a personal injury lawyer from Daniel E. Stuart, P.C. can attest to, the insurance company may demand compensation also. 

What To Do If You’re Partly at Fault for an Accident

Nobody enjoys being in an accident. If you’re at fault for the accident, it can be more stressful. Maybe you’re not completely at fault, however, and you feel you have a stronger case than the other party. What should you do?

Be Careful Who You Talk To

If you feel you could be partly at fault for an accident, you should be careful about who you talk to. Any information you give to a police officer can be used against you. If you give too much information to an insurance adjuster or other insurance representative, that can also be used against you. Your friends and family members aren’t always going to keep your secrets and any witnesses you speak to could also give information about your conversation to the insurance company or the authorities. It’s often in your best interest to keep all of your confidential information for your lawyer.

Gather Evidence

Each state handles partial fault cases differently. In some areas, you may not be able to seek any compensation if you hold even a small percentage of fault. In other areas, you can be compensated up to 50%, after which you are no longer entitled to compensation. To receive the most compensation possible, you should gather all the evidence you can. This would include photographs of the accident and photographs of your injuries. You should get witness statements and contact information. You should hold on to medical records and other professional documents that give an accurate picture of what happened.

With all of your evidence, it’s possible you can gain more compensation than you may have thought to begin with. You might be able to prove that you weren’t responsible for any portion of the accident after all, which could lead to greater compensation.

Work with a Lawyer

Too many individuals who are injured at the hands of another will try to handle the case on their own. While this could be effective in mild cases, it is often more efficient to work with a lawyer. Especially if a police report or insurance adjuster claims you are partially responsible for the accident, a legal professional might be your best bet for gaining any compensation at all.

As you can see, it’s not the end of the world if someone says you are partly responsible for an accident. Being careful who you talk to, gathering evidence and working with a lawyer are just a few ways you can have more success when seeking compensation. Contact a personal injury lawyer, like one from David & Philot, P.L., when you’re ready to learn more.

Types Of Compensation for Wrongful Death Cases

What Types of Compensation Can I Recover in a Wrongful Death Suit?

When your loved one dies because of someone’s negligence or wrongdoing, most states allow you to sue the responsible person for wrongful death if you’re a close relative of the deceased, such as his or her spouse, parent, or child. Other states require the person appointed as the personal representative of your loved one’s estate to sue on behalf of you and the other next of kin. An experienced local wrongful death lawyer, can advise you of your state’s laws.

Wrongful Death Causes

A wrongful death can result from a variety of situations, including the following:

  • Motor vehicle accident
  • Premises liability accident
  • Medical malpractice
  • Nursing home abuse and neglect
  • Defective product accident

Compensation Categories

Usually, you can recover two categories of damages in a wrongful death suit. The first pays for such things as the following:

  • Your loved one’s pain and suffering from the time of the accident until the time of his or her death.
  • His or her medical expenses.
  • His or her lost wages from the time of the accident until the time of his or her death.
  • His or her funeral and burial expenses.

The second category of damages pays for your own losses occasioned by your loved one’s wrongful death. Examples include the following:

  • Your loss of the decedent’s support from the time of his or her untimely death until the time he or she would have retired had he or she lived to retirement age.
  • Your loss of the decedent’s love, affection, companionship, guidance, etc.

Keep in mind that some states require you to bring two separate actions, one for wrongful death and the other called a survivors’ action, in order to recover both types of damages. Again, your wrongful death lawyer can advise you.

In rare cases, you may also be able to get punitive damages. Juries only award this type of damages, however, when the defendant’s actions in causing the wrongful death were particularly outrageous, reckless, or otherwise egregious. Their purpose is to financially punish the defendant.

Types of Payouts

In all likelihood, you will get to choose whether to take the settlement or jury award as a lump sum or as a structured settlement. As its name implies, a lump sum payment means that you receive the entire payout at once. The advantages are that you can quickly pay all of your loved one’s outstanding bills and expenses.

A structured settlement, on the other hand, means that you will receive an agreed-upon amount each month from the defendant’s insurance company. The advantage here is that you receive continuing financial support over a relatively long period of time.

Stem Cell Therapy vs. Total Knee Replacement

Knee Surgeon

Up until the latest developments came into play the last several years, older adults with arthritic or poorly functioning knees have only had further deterioration and total knee replacement in their future. As a knee surgeon from a practice like the Premier Osteoarthritis Centers of Pennsylvania can explain, knee replacement surgery, like most other surgeries, carries substantial risks, may have an extended hospital stay, and one to two months of healing and physical therapy to boot. 

For some patients, this process is painful and challenging. People with active lifestyles may be forced to give up specific high-impact activities for the rest of their lives. But, stem cell intervention may change traditional knee treatment routines and enable patients to return to their daily lives and activities with less pain and movement restriction.

What is Stem Cell Therapy?

Stem cell therapy can be a viable alternative to total joint replacement and other surgical interventions. In this procedure, a patient’s own stem cells are harvested, minimally processed, and injected back into the injured or arthritis-damaged joint. Adult stem cells have the unique ability to transform into different types of cells and may be able to create new cartilage in the knee.

A Comparison of Recovery Times

One of the biggest reasons that stem cell therapy has gained such popularity is its quick recovery time. Stem cell therapy is an outpatient procedure, so there is typically no need for an uncomfortable and risky (in terms of infection) hospital stay. 

After stem cell injection, most patients can walk around within 24 hours. A recovering stem cell patient may also wear a knee brace for a short time. There may be a low level of soreness in the joint several days to a week after the injection.

Once injected, the stem cells go to work repairing and regenerating tissue. It may take up to about three weeks for improvement to set in and repair and progress may continue for up to six months or so. Some patients may need additional injections—possible two or three in a year’s time.

On the other hand, knee surgery patients will typically spend a couple of days in the hospital after undergoing an invasive, extensive surgical alteration. A hospital stay can pose a significant staph infection risk. Once discharged from the hospital patients may have to go to a rehab facility for a time, or go home and undergo a regimen of outpatient physical therapy, which may consist of:

  • Walking to regain mobility
  • Knee-strengthening exercise
  • Slowly resuming normal daily activities

Additionally, knee surgery has other possible risks, including:

  • Infections
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Blood clots (leg or lungs)
  • Nerve damage

Plus, driving is usually restricted for 4 to 6 weeks after surgery. Certain weight-bearing activities may put too much pressure on the knee implant and must be avoided.

You may be wondering if stem cell therapy can help you. Your knee pain specialist can discuss all treatment options with you and make suggestions as to which treatments can help you the most.

What Steps Should You Take if You Were Injured Due to Someone Else’s Negligent Actions? 

Nobody wants the hassle or pain of being in an unnecessary accident. Accidents happen every single day, though, which is why it is important to know what to do if you are ever involved in one. The very first thing you need to do is contact a personal injury lawyer, like one from Greenspan & Greenspan P.C., immediately. He or she will help you form your case and look at all of the details surrounding the accident to determine who was at fault and how much compensation you may be able to receive. 

Check Yourself for Severe Injuries

The very first thing you need to do after being involved in a bad accident is to check yourself for any serious injuries. If you think you were terribly injured and need assistance, ask someone nearby to call an ambulance. If there is not anyone around, call for one yourself. 

Call the Police to the Scene of the Accident

In many instances, you may want a police report about the accident. If someone else’s negligent actions caused it, for example, you will want an officer to come evaluate the scene of the accident and write down an incident report. This will offer an unbiased viewpoint on what may have happened to cause the accident. This report will give information of each of the people as well as offer some pieces of truth if your case goes to court. 

Get Witness Statements

If there were any witnesses, make sure you get their contact information and have them write down or give a voice recording on what they saw. These details are important to get in writing while the memory of the event is still fresh. The witness may be called upon to testify on your behalf at a later date. It can be a key to winning a personal injury case. 

Exchange Information with the Other Party

If someone else was involved or possibly at fault for the accident, you need to get their information so that you can reach out again about compensation. You may decide to go through their insurance or you may seek compensation by going to court. A lawyer will be useful for deciding what the best next steps to take will be.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer Today

You should not hesitate if you were injured in an accident. You need to contact a personal injury lawyer right away so that you do not miss the statute of limitations for filing. Every state has a deadline of filing a case if you were injured in an accident. If you miss it, there will be no chance of seeking compensation in the future. Your lawyer will evaluate your case immediately and make sure you stay on track for getting compensated for everything. Most personal injury lawyers offer free initial consultations and many work on a contingency fee basis, which means they do not collect compensation unless they win your case.